When a Man touches
his own Heart,
he finds
“theWriter" all Alone . . . . .
Dylan the humble Poet

Click the play button for music
There are 2-songs of poetry below, which have not been recorded, yet
"Poetry from "theSoul"
your Heart with
mystified Tear of Love"
10-14-14 Music by:
Missa Johnouchi / Shao Rong
"a Nightingale”
Two lovers were walking under a canopy, of Cherry Trees Blooming
The romance of nature, creates an aura, of endless sounds of Pleasure
They heard many birds, singing in an elegant harmony, ever so Soothing
As they held hands, they thought of their wonderful future Together
Then, “theWind” resounded, in an ancient whisper, of passionate Clarity
Their laughter was in their smiles, on these enchanting days, Stroll
One step led to another, on “thePath,” as she listened to the Melody
She danced to this joyful rhythm, which was her lifelong Goal
In a Woman’s heart, there were years of yearning and endless Searching
Never knowing “theTruth,” hidden within, the Love she had Found
Then, this young Woman spoke of a dream, where she was forever Wandering
Through, a forest of cherry blossoms, spreading their peddles on the Ground
Each tree waved its branches, in eternal pleasure, enlightening the Air
“True Love” is a field of dazzling flowers, growing in unison Together
As her life of joy and happiness, resonated in a Silent Prayer
Then, she reached down and picked up, a beautiful Feather
As the light faded, they heard the captivating music, from “a Nightingale”
Each bird sang, in an exquisite voice, beckoning the unity of their Mate
In a Man’s eyes, she found the unfathomable depth, of his Eternal Soul
As their footsteps in the sand, were the timeless destiny, of their Fate
Their delight was in their divine harmony, which they were both, Proud Of
Together, they wandered on “thePath,” as they kept looking high Above
As the Nightingales, sang their own romantic, Song of Love
. . . . .
Two lovers were walking, in an orchard, of Cherry Blossoms, now Blooming
They heard many birds, singing in an elegant harmony, ever so Soothing
As they held hands, they thought, of their future Together
Then, she reached down and as picked up, a beautiful Feather
As “theWind” resounded, an ancient whisper, in passionate Clarity
Walking on “thePath,” she listened, to this alluring Melody
The Woman, thought of a dream, where she was forever Wandering
In a loving heart, there are years of romantic Searching
Never knowing “theTruth,” hidden within, the Love she had Found
This enchanting forest, spreads its cherry blossoms on the Ground
Just for Her…..
She learned “True Love” was a field of flowers, flourishing Together
Then, she reached down and as picked up,
another beautiful Feather
. . . . .
In the darkness, they heard the lingering music, from “a Lonely Nightingale”
This bird sang in a romantic voice, beckoning the unity of her Mate
As “theWinds of Time,” whispered their eternal destiny, of Fate
Together, they walked in silence, on “thePath,” they kept looking high Above
As this pair of Nightingales exchanged, their melodious Song of Love
Their delight was in their joyful harmony,
as they held each other’s Hand
Their “Unity of Life” was tested, as the trees divided,
going down two very different Trails
In a Man’s eyes, she had learned
“to Love his Eternal Soul”
Then, the Man whispered, very softly, into her Ear
If “a Nightingale” stops singing
for her Mate,
she forgets the infinite Beauty,
of her very own, Song of Love
She thought about, his words of Wisdom
as they walked, hand-in-hand into their future,
on “thePath,” forever, looking high Above
as they kissed,
they heard the Nightingales singing in ethereal harmony,
this is what they wished;
“This is our sacred song of Marriage,”
sing with us,
As your Eternal Song of Love . . . . .
Dedicated to Shao and Missa:
Your musical culture of melody has inspired,
not just poem, but my life…..Thank You
a Romantic Person
is Someone
keeps a Loving Memory
to Cherish, in her Silence
Always Smiling. . . . in the Dark!
a Romantic Person
is Someone
keeps a Loving Memory
to Cherish, in her Silence
Always Smiling. . . . in the Dark!

is what you put into the relationship,
is what you take out of the relationship.”
is what you put into the relationship,
is what you take out of the relationship.”
has instructed and educated
the Human Heart & Mind
in its very own
of boundless Imagination
ethereal Poetry
to witness
a drop of water, falling through Infinity
the Eternal Flame of Creation
has instructed and educated
the Human Heart & Mind
in its very own
of boundless Imagination
ethereal Poetry
to witness
a drop of water, falling through Infinity
the Eternal Flame of Creation

“You may seek Perfection,
but, do realize
you will Never,
Ever find Perfect !”
“You may seek Perfection,
but, do realize
you will Never,
Ever find Perfect !”

10-1-09 Music by: Naoyuki Onda, Jia Peng Fang, and Shao Rong
11-23-09 “theEthics” of Honorable Intelligence
How can you touch the “Depths of your Soul,” without the courage of Honesty?
When the freedom that you search for, is in the footprints you leave in the Sand
Will you write your memoirs for the future or to inspire another Man’s Prodigy?
Your paintbrush was an instrument of your mind, guided, by Your Hand
Some birds wait silently in the trees, while others circle in the sky for Fun
“theTruth” is an eternal prism of light, which makes you smile and Laugh
Resting under a beautiful tree, he was always staring at the Sun
So, with no light in the darkness, how will YOU become “thePath”
Never do tomorrow what you should have done, the day before, Yesterday
Life is a voyage to enrich your Spirit and discover the hidden joys of Reality
As you stand at the edge of your Dreams, blackness covers your Eyes
Your ancestors left no map to show “theWay,” Beyond Immortality
No one can look into “theMirror" of Destiny, and not remember the day they were Born
Because the virtue of pride and honor, is what gives Life meaning and Reverence
As the Trustfulness of a Man’s words and deeds, is a precious cloak he Adorns
The integrity of “theSelf”
“theEthics” of Honorable Intelligence
The origin of wisdom is the harvest of commingled arrays, of unconnected Illusions
Will your diary reveal your Past, Present, and Future, after your death, to a Friend
Change is invisible to each Man, unless he cultivates his eyes to look for Solutions
Rapture is the romance of a Candle Flame, that dances forever, in “theWind”
The trust of “theSoul” is a parable, about the good deeds of your Heart
This radiance of passion awakens your Spirit, as your journey begins to Start
As You nurture “theWay” to mandate your Love,
into your Philosophy of Art
. . . . .
How can you enlighten the “Depths of your Soul,” without the principles of Honesty?
Will you write your memoir for your son or another Man’s Prodigy?
When the freedom that you search for, is in the footprints you left in the Sand
Your paintbrush was the catalyst for your mind, guided by your Hand
“theTruth” is an eternal prism of sunlight, which makes you Smile and Laugh
With no light in the darkness, how will YOU follow “thePath”
The illusions of Karma reveal a mandala of harmony, connecting the How’s and Why’s
As this Man stood at the edge of his Dreams, the darkness covered his Eyes
Life is a voyage to awaken your Persona, to the secret joys of this Reality
His ancestors left no compass,
to show him “theWay,” Beyond Immortality
No one can look into “theMirror of Destiny,” and not remember the day they were Born
The truthfulness of a Man’s words and deeds, are a red silk robe he Adorns
Will your diary enrich your past, present, and future, after death, to a Friend
Your own Life is the candle flame, that wants to dance, forever in “theWind”
As you follow “theWay” into the future, every day becomes a “Poem of Art”
The Romance of “theSoul” balances the lost emotions, of the Heart
This radiance of passion, envelops your Spirit,
as your journey begins to Start
. . . . .
No one can look into “theMirror of Destiny,” and forget the day they were Born
The illusion of Karma is the fidelity, connecting the Past to the Future
Touching “the Depths of his Soul,” He learned the courage of Honesty
The Man who accomplishes his Dreams, shares his wisdom, with Eternity
As his words and deeds, nurtured his Love from the Start"
Learning “theWay,” his wisdom become
“Poem from his Heart”
“theTruth” is an eternal prism of light, which makes you Smile and Laugh
As he witnessed the morning light, he had a revelation of “thePath”
His ancestors always listened to “theVoices” of their Archetypes,
as they watched at the edge of his Dreams,
the blackness of Eternity,
opened his Eyes,
to enrich his Spirit and discovered the hidden joys of Reality
illuminating “theWay” . . . . . Beyond Immortality
is Absolutely Meaningless
to "theArtist"
who Dares
Envision "theFuture"
is Absolutely Meaningless
to "theArtist"
who Dares
Envision "theFuture"

The Problem with
is that it does not
"theSOUL" of Truthfulness"
is what
Power and Money
Can Not Buy
The Problem with
is that it does not
"theSOUL" of Truthfulness"
is what
Power and Money
Can Not Buy
a Research into the study of
The Epigramicisms of a lost Philosophy of Culture - volume II
"The Enlightenment of "theSelf"
Introduction to Epigramicisms:
Today, as a human being, each of you understands, to evolve through life and become an adult, you will need to learn both the collective societal and scholastic skills to become a constructive member of civilization, culture, and Humanity around the world. During this learning process, usually from 1-20 years old, each person develops their individual modus operandi from relevant dealings with the life-challenging events from your existence in nature.
First, you have to be cognitively aware of your personal appearance, next to your Intra-Personal skills, family & work relationships, experiences and competencies before you can modify their processes! These gifts evolve to be your personas of “theSelf” and are only advantageous if you modify your power of focus proficiency to Self-Correct, but most importantly to Self-Cultivate your own behavior.
I love to grow plants in my house and garden, but first, you find a good seed or bulb, find some enriched soil, then you nurture the hell-out-of-it and worry if it needs water or sun or food. Each and every plant requires more or less sunlight, so you choose the right location to plant and you alter-the-shade. So, how do you begin to modify your own thinking and behavior, which are united in lifelong improvement or argumentative disruption in the development of your own character, personality style and “theYOU and theSelf” of the Individual person?
We are each our own worse and best friend. This is your defined internal civil war of desires, needs, and addictions, balanced by your accomplishments, experience, and skills. As the pendulum swings from life; as your best friend and worst enemy, so to speak, collectively they are stimulated by all your neurological hormones of emotions both necessary and erroneous.
9-25-11 Epigramicisms: are merely, your own written health-prescription of behavioral psychic-quatrains or parables of your LIFE projected into the future of events and your derived hindsight of wisdom, regarding your past responsibilities as the Disappointments and Accomplishment of “theSelf” in your Genius of profound evolution manifesting the Life of “theIndividual.”
Simply put, this is your focus of destiny, to commingle your advantages and disadvantages into an educated person who has attained the dynamic authority to discover and accumulate a destiny of self-pride and personal accomplishment. Through this “Telepathic Educational Meta-Process of the Self-training of “theYOU,” this expansion of increasing accuracy of Self-awareness, in reality, is at present inactive.
Remember, there are many, many different “Gifts of Genius,” when will you unravel your own birthday present? Increasing your awareness of reality and the everyday changes in life, allowing you to balance a co-existence of “theWay” nature awakens another day.
You can manifest or change your own end-game, before you start the game, by conscious decisions concerning how you will navigate the life and death waters of a quagmire of dreams and intellectual adversity. How will you train yourself to make decisions, when you reach each cross-road of advantages and the death of lurking failures?
As a young person, there were the verbal parental commands or epigrams beginning with directions such as: put the cap back on tight every time, always hang up your clothes, brush your teeth every day, eat everything on your plate, look both ways before crossing the street, watch out for your brother or sister, and my mother’s favorite, don’t cut your nose off to spite your face, etc. As you get older, the complexity and simplicity of your own personal Epigrams will define:
Who you are and more Importantly,
Who will YOU,
What you will Accomplish,
during your Life
as a Human Being
after your 80-years on this Earth
YOU, the student, are eternally programmed to become your own mentor, you either succeed or fail, there is no almost, in a life and death world of evolution. Humanity may pat you on the back for a lifetime of effort, but destiny rewards only the Man or Woman who succeeds, makes the discovery or fabricates the invention, creates the art, music, song or poetry for Humanity. If you do not persevere to be the very best of the best, you will always fall short of your ambitions of Self-Accomplishments.
Next, what are Epigramicisms?
Simply put; they are koans of psychic anagramic-mechanisms, designed and engineered as meta-programmed vehicles by YOU
to consciously alert, inform, improve, train, and reinforce cognitive personal behavioral objectivity, by refocusing our 2-minds toward the future destiny of the unfathomable illuminated Genius-Potential of “theSelf.” I have consciously created Epigramicisms for 25 years and I have around 3,500 to keep my expanded behavior of mind and body focused on advantageous improvements to coordinate “theYOU and “theSelf of thePersonality” in maximizing “theIndividual Personas of Life.” Now anyone can understand why being your own Psychologist is so difficult. haha
Ok, now you know what these short phrases of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 lines statements are called and what is more important, you can create your very own library of Personalized Epigramicisms, to help keep your eyes & feet on “thePath,” as you will someday understand these words of behavioral modification were like a “Prescription of Inspiration,” they each were my guidance, training my footsteps to awaken the correct focus on “thePath.”
These Epigramicism will reveal to YOU different templates to explore “theTruth” of how to create your own Life, into your own Destiny, as you Self-Program and Hypnotize your own dreams, to Awaken your Soul.
The Theoritionary Levels of Genius:
A “Smart Man” - knows, what he Knows
A “Knowledgeable Man” - knows, what others Know
A “Wiseman” - knows, what he doesn’t Know
A “Genius of Men” - discovers “thePath,” to Know more, than is Known
A “Mariner of Men” - listens to “theWind,” following “theWay” to the Unknown
So, where are you on “thePath” to Self-understanding and
where are your treasures of Self-Creativity,
inventions of music, poetry, art, writing, and innate productivity?
5-18-11 Dylan’s – First Law of Social Dynamics:
If you’re not doing something, you want to do, you’re being Controlled
Dylan’s – Second Law of Social Dynamics:
If you’re doing something, you don’t want to do, you’re being Manipulate
So, are YOU a peasant or slave or
maybe a lost Wiseman or an ancient Explorer?
5-21-12 Having a good “Form,” does not mean, you have “an accurate Template”
9-23-13 Survival adaptive behavior was never Right or Wrong, Good or Bad,
it was either Correct and you survived or it was Incorrect and you Died
1-20-11 I Knew, that YOU Knew, that I Knew,
that YOU Knew, and incredibly,
I also KNEW; this is Consciousness
8-10-08 I have decided that for the rest of my life, Art will be my Philosophy of Religion
6-14-12 The last knowable thought, should be ended in a question Mark?
1-6-17 Wisdom is like a Cosmic-diamond; except it was tempered in blood, with the courage of fearless Bravery

can walk in "theFootsteps"
of his Own Destiny
not Know
Ripples in the Sands of Time
can walk in "theFootsteps"
of his Own Destiny
not Know
Ripples in the Sands of Time
the Implausible is only Impossible, when Illuminated
the Impossible is only Incredible, when Rationalized
the Incredible is only Amazzing, when Illustrated
the Amazzing is only Fantastic, when Romanticized
the Fantastic is Consciousness, when Reflected

Humanity evolved
your "Intuition for Survival"
do not
Reason away. . . . this perspective of Life
Humanity evolved
your "Intuition for Survival"
do not
Reason away. . . . this perspective of Life