When a Man touches
his own Heart,
he finds
“theWriter" all Alone . . . . .
Dylan the humble Poet
Click the play for music

This is a brass-microscope made in 1744 - in London, England
it has been a companion through the years, re-focusing my Dreams & Reality
just to put your hands on the Microscope and think of the History is every "Artist's Dream"
I call this painting,
"The Bridge over the River TAO"
Every wall is full of Art,
at night,
as I walk, through the Gallery
the ancient world of History and Philosophy
to YOU;
if you have learned
to listen to "theVoices"
This is a brass-microscope made in 1744 - in London, England
it has been a companion through the years, re-focusing my Dreams & Reality
just to put your hands on the Microscope and think of the History is every "Artist's Dream"
I call this painting,
"The Bridge over the River TAO"
Every wall is full of Art,
at night,
as I walk, through the Gallery
the ancient world of History and Philosophy
to YOU;
if you have learned
to listen to "theVoices"
8 - 13 - 13
make your Life . . . . .
Unbelievably Spectacular
You are given only one-Voyage
to achieve your illumination of accomplishments
for your very own Destiny of “theSelf”
Eternity. . . . . is winking at YOU

2-17-09 Time only exists, where there is
molecular growth and decay because
a Space-Time Continuum only exists,
where there are Stars and Decay
9-28-07 Wisdom is learning how to differentiate Reality
into dimensional categories of
Perceptive Knowledge
2-17-09 Time only exists, where there is
molecular growth and decay because
a Space-Time Continuum only exists,
where there are Stars and Decay
9-28-07 Wisdom is learning how to differentiate Reality
into dimensional categories of
Perceptive Knowledge
a Research, into the study of:
The Epigramicisms of a
a Research, into the study of:
of a
Lost Philosophy of Culture - Vol. II
"The Enlightenment of "theSelf"

a Research into the study of
The Epigramicisms of a lost Philosophy of Culture - volume II
"The Enlightenment of "theSelf"
Movies have pictures, sounds, and Voices
Dreams have pictures, sounds, and voices
The template for behavioral empathy for movies, came from Dreams
Remember, to not destroy your own life and the people you are working with
YOU must be aware of, Human Beings of Destiny
YOU might walk in their footsteps, FOR the rest of your Life
Everyone is imploring someone else into a relationship for
marriage, a job, a title, a child or an opportunity
just make sure “theEthics you Implore,” fit your personality Style !!
If you want to give yourself a grade, in reality, ask yourself to give voice and write down
everything you know, which is known as = YOU
The reason there are so many problems in the world is everyone believes;
you can only TRUST other people; who have the same shoe size as THEY do
Shortcuts always take you longer, Why?
Time is the consequence of, Dark Matter becoming waves of Dark Energy
in a measurable exchange of dis-positional Energy
Most people only read, what they want to Hear
Most people only hear, what they want to Read
You must absolutely aspire, to gain knowledge;
before you are left behind, by society to ask, why ME?

who believe
1/2 of any Truth
are the Most Dangerous
to Them-Selves,
Trusting Friends
and absolutely to their Family
who believe
1/2 of any Truth
are the Most Dangerous
to Them-Selves,
Trusting Friends
and absolutely to their Family
When 2-Wisemen
encountered each other
"theRoad" of Life
as they passed
they just Smile
each had usurped
"theWisdom" of the Other
When 2-Wisemen
encountered each other
"theRoad" of Life
as they passed
they just Smile
each had usurped
"theWisdom" of the Other

To know
who YOU will become in Life
you must
your 2-Eyes, 2-Hands, and 2-Legs
with your 2-Brains
in unison to discover
to your Destiny of "theSelf"
To know
who YOU will become in Life
you must
your 2-Eyes, 2-Hands, and 2-Legs
with your 2-Brains
in unison to discover
to your Destiny of "theSelf"
On Valentine’s Day….
couples tell each other,
Love is Pure and Melodious.
LOVE is feeling the desire
in your sweet kiss; 💋💋
as the belief, in your incredible
Trust & Poetic-Perception
exhilarating….. your Stormy
Passions of Sensual,
Emotions of Joyousness
absolutely-breathtaking…. Maria
On Valentine’s Day….
couples tell each other,
Love is Pure and Melodious.
LOVE is feeling the desire
in your sweet kiss; 💋💋
as the belief, in your incredible
Trust & Poetic-Perception
exhilarating….. your Stormy
Passions of Sensual,
Emotions of Joyousness
absolutely-breathtaking…. Maria

People with a lot of Money
can NEVER,
a forest of Ideas . . . . .
because you must
discover your "Destiny of Life"
1 - Painting and
1 - Book at a Time
People with a lot of Money
can NEVER,
a forest of Ideas . . . . .
because you must
discover your "Destiny of Life"
1 - Painting and
1 - Book at a Time

Slowly, your tears of pride fall on your cheek
and the curiosity of your Tears of Love
wash your face,
as the sun dries the salty water of
youth and old age
In the same moment of Time,
as every Man and Woman
longs for “theTruth ”
but, you can only find as much,
as you are willing to search for and Dream, about.
Jean-Luc Ponty the 4th album "theDiscovered" Enlightenment of the Heart
4). “Dynamical Wisdom,
is the Awareness of Applied Knowledge”
Now, don’t be troubled by the vastness of the past histories,
if we didn’t stumble once in a while,
there would be no need to be humble and subdue our egos,
only to find a friend, to share this freedom of creativity and curiosity,
as we explore, the boundless heights, depths, widths and the changing facets of Wisdom
At 10 years of age, I thought I wanted “theTruth” about Life
At 20 years of age, my Feet were stumbling for “thePath”
At 30 years of age, my Eyes were always looking for “theWay”
At 40 years of age, my Ears were listening for an unheard Wisdom
At 50 years of age, my Hands began to paint; what I did not Understand
At 60 years of age, my Heartfelt; the pain of centuries of Searching
At 70 years of age, my Soul; began to move, as a Spirit in the Ether
At 80 years of age, my Lips knew “theTruth” and I spoke, not a Word
Where are You, My Friend?
Your own philosophy of behavior is how
applied your Artfulness
toward the education of your own Self.
Art is how you live, think, talk and
the actions of how
YOU interact each day you are alive.
Our multiplexed identity,
our personas of "theSelf"
on this Individual journey
through the 80-years process of
the discovery of Selflessness
the Enlightenment of this Journey,
is your reward of Life, on this Earth . . . . .
Below: we have the Wu & Chin Brothers

I have always TRUSTED
Someone, First,
because the alternative is
No One
will ever Trust
for the rest of your Life
I have always TRUSTED
Someone, First,
because the alternative is
No One
will ever Trust
for the rest of your Life
Human Life exist, because of
“The DNA-RNA Program
of a Value System”
which, evolved for millions of years
and as, Civilized Humans discovered
without intrinsic-Values of Integrity, Morals, Conscience, and Principles of Ethics,
your Life
is absolutely "Meaningless,"
void of Remorse
the Tears
of Heartfelt Happiness

Recorded on the 4th album "theDiscovered" Enlightenment of the Heart
10). 4-27-11 8:31 pm to 9:07 pm
“A Passing Cloud”
A cloud soars over the earth, from shore to Shore
Somehow knowing what to look for, without a Map
Only artists can find the truth, as they dream about it More
They never seem to sleep; they just need a good Nap
With each new day, the sun always shines so Bright
Its circular disk is so constant; it never changes its Form
Yet, it is so easy changing colors, from black to White
Then, red and yellow are so appealing, before a Storm
Only a simple poet, can find the hidden Truth in a Rhyme
Our sunsets are always so beautiful, on the wide-open Range
Believing in Yourself, may take a little Time
To race, against the wind, is our only measure of Change
Please, remember that I am just, “A Passing Cloud”