When a Man touches
his own Heart,
he finds
“theWriter" all Alone . . . . .
Dylan the humble Poet

Click the play for music
This is an oil painting of Hong Kong, which hangs on the wall in front of my Desk
the horizon-line separates; ancient Hong Kong, from the Future
at night, the painting illuminates the room
I imagine;
I am the fisherman wandering through the Past, Present, into the Future
Humanity calls this eternal Journey...... the Enlightenment-of-Self
As a collector of Asian Art, my fondness for Eastern culture, philosophy, songs, and paintings has inspired “theEthics” of Honorable Intelligence.
I have always kept my notebooks, college books, and my paintings, but my eternal joy was the accumulation of my art collection that fills my home from wall-to-wall.
In the quiet hours of aloneness and divine solitude, I wander from century to century, culture to culture as the ancient shadows watch from the halls of antiquity and
I smile back and say hello old friends.

Mr. Wu is jumping from the Emperors Lions,
as they, stand for Eternity
my ancient Chinese Chess Board
Miss Chinny, is trying to figure out
where in the hell, Wu is going to land....hahaha
My Gallery of Happiness
This is the Emperors Palace, so I put my Chin Ming Warriors to guard the palace. Have you noticed all the incredible color in the paintings and 4-panels, well these pictures are flat in this computer, in reality, the colors are so vivid and intricate you can sit for hours, either watching or walking around in each picture of reality?

Emperors Lions Guarding my Chessboard
The jade green Emperors Guardian Lions are unique to the world and were handcrafted. The female and male Lion or yin and yang first guarded the Emperors Palace in the Han dynasty - 206 bce and represent an ancient belief to have extraordinary mythical protective powers.
The Emperors Lions were depicted in pairs and consists of a male with his right-paw upon an in crested orb, which represents divine supremacy over the world and the female has her left-paw guarding their cub on its back, the cub represents the ancient virtue of Humanity as they protect my Chinese chessboard from kibitzers.

The domain of timeless Psychic-Rapture
As I wandered through the misty decline of ancient history the Archetypes of cultural Enlightenment, whispered ..... why not create a waterfall pond,
fill it with beautiful Koi fish, build "a Bridge"
for, the Future to the Past
sit and hang your feet into
the breathtaking water
of your Life; as the harmony of falling Water permeates your Soul,
when you walk out the door
the Opus of Shangri Li;
into the eternity of your Ancestral Dreams. . . . .
My Koi Fish each started as a baby in my Hand
in my 24x13 foot pond
If you look at the large yellow Koi under the big white Koi, to the right. look at her stomach, she gave birth to about 10-little Koi right after the picture was taken. The pond is 4.5 foot deep under the waterfall. I built the bridge, not to walk on, but to sit with my feet in the water.
I had underwater blue lights and at night the Koi loved to play with my feet, as I sat watching the water of eternity enlighten the night with the harmony of ten thousand raindrops, always calling your name to come a little closer, there is always the whisper of a lost dream.

I put some of my plants outside to fill the overhead canopy with some amazing wonders of life. I sold some of my young Koi, but you had to catch them yourself.
ha ha ...it was 100 degrees, but 70 degrees in the pond
I loved the water lilies, the fish would hide in the shallow end and chase each other all day. I could sit and watch all my friends play for hours and then my Mind would drift to other dimensions of the Cosmos, through the water, looking through the water is like looking down
at a diamond, as your eye slowly focus, through the depth of the stone of innate Beauty, inevitably forgetting to breathe in YOUR the World of Sunlight
My Greatest Adventure of Life
was understanding the Parameters
of the
Positive and Negative
Psychic Forces of LIFE
1. Constructive Archetypes
2. Destructive Archetypes
My pond & bridge are a positive reinforcement of the
reflection of Constructive Archetypes

I would sit on the back porch with my laptop and the kit raccoons would be drinking or just playing in the fountain, this is Shao Rong as a baby.
She had the most beautiful and innocent face,
my old Friend
She raised 4-litters and brought all
her kits to see me,
she would come on the porch and call them up and
her daughters brought their kits..
.always a party ha ha

There is a huge cherry blossom tree next to the pond that carpeted the red flagstone with an enrichment of color and Fung Li Shui would sit there and watch me working in the pond for hours.
I had a close relationship with my Shao,and her daughters Eri, and Jiang families of raccoons that followed me around outside and would wait
for me at the door.
Wu loved the raccoons and
would always meow when they arrived.
There is nothing to compare with the dynamic exploding force of sound, air drenched in moisture and the majestic beauty of every primal waterfall.
You can witness the sheer joy of the adventure on my face. These are moments-in-time; when the amazing illusion of reality awakens consciousness streams of brilliance, maybe!
Look at Fung, he loved to sit motionless in his blossoming tree and watch the birds, cats, and people pass, but he always stared at the clouds for hours motionless.
Fung Li was an ancient dreamer,
maybe a poet, who saw more in a cloud,
than any Human Being.
This is Shao grown with her kits in my blue play pool, I put rocks in the pool for training purposes, she grew up outside with Mr. Kane and they just LOVE other, Mr. Kane had no fear and everyone liked each other, each kit had to investigate my feet, as I create another poem and song
"Environment absolutely, creates the Attitude
to envision your Life and your Future"
This is Shao grown with her kits in my blue play pool, I put rocks in the pool for training purposes, she grew up outside with Mr. Kane and they just LOVE other, Mr. Kane had no fear and everyone liked each other, each kit had to investigate my feet, as I create another poem and song
"Environment absolutely, creates the Attitude
to envision your Life and your Future"

Perfection is a Goal - NEVER an Accomplishment because - Perfect is a perspective of change and since change by definition is evolving, then “Perfection” is indeed embryonic, as the architecture of nature redefines Beauty with each new pair of Eyes, because Beauty advances our awareness of ethereal Perceptions of discovery, to Enlighten your wonderful Spirit of Love.”
Is this a photograph or a painting or a Dream?
a Geneticist - Looks at Life
through an electronic-microscope
for the Genes of the DNA-RNA
a Poetologist - Looks for the DNA-RNA
in each wave of evolution,
ancient Footprints
on the Sands of Primordial Time

In Life, each person
charts their own Voyage,
as they stand at the Helm of
their Boat of Destiny
in their Lifelong Journey
"Personal Happiness"
"Personal Unhappiness."
In Life, each person
charts their own Voyage,
as they stand at the Helm of
their Boat of Destiny
in their Lifelong Journey
"Personal Happiness"
"Personal Unhappiness."